A Detailed Manual: How To Write A Position Essay Perfectly

The perfect position paper includes clear evidence stating an argument to be true or a person’s viewpoint on a topic. When reviewing aspects of how to write a position essay you need to choose a topic for a position you can relate to or something with a personal interest or connection. An argument with sufficient evidence will provide proof of a claim made. To produce a quality paper there are a few details to pay attention to during the writing process. First, start with a strong thesis statement that is also the topic or main idea of what your paper will discuss.

  • Choosing a Topic for a Position Paper
  • The topic you select should challenge or argue a position the topic is taking. Consider something controversial that takes a stand or speaks volumes. An example would be the idea of men being paid more than women. What evidence could you use to present this as a true argument? The topic idea should be interesting and something you want to write.

    It can be something people are likely to disagree with but you would have something you can present as long as you have solid supporting details. To get an idea of what you can write about consider reading sample papers or searching for a list of potential position argument essay topics online.

  • The Writing Process
  • The writing process includes multiple steps including choosing a topic, defining the position of your idea, creating a list of sources, defining your thesis statement or argument, creating an outline, writing a rough draft, revising, and editing and proofreading. If you are required to follow a formatting style such as MLA, be sure to follow it correctly when citing sources.

    With many position essay topics to consider it can be a challenge to settle on the right one for a perfect paper. Brainstorming can develop new ideas from any subject broad in nature. Getting ideas from colleagues and your instructor is another option. Once you have a good idea, start your research and gather evidence. When you have supporting points you want to discuss it may become easier to develop your thesis statement.

    The outline will organize your findings and give a snapshot of what your paper will look like when completed. It will feature main points you will discuss in more detail when starting your rough draft. It may also contain details related to your sources useful for formatting and citations.

    The rough draft will be easy to start using your outline. Sentences and paragraphs are structured but focus on getting details to appear where you want them. After completing the rough draft rewrite and revise your work. Edit and proofread to improve the quality of content before submission.

  • Recap of Position Writing
  • Writing the paper will be easy if you choose a clear position and have solid information to prove your argument. It can get difficult to present your idea if your thesis statement isn’t clear enough. Using a written example as a model during the writing process can be helpful. The model gives clarity on structure and organization of content. It should also give insight on how to write your position in a way it is identified with ease by readers.
